Tunes 1


Plain Set Figure 1 - Pass Through
Part Description Bars


Pass Through.
With gents on the outside all pass through, ladies touching left shoulders.

Ladies Changeover Right Hands.
Couples face each other holding right hands.
Lady turn anti-clockwise in front of the gent.

Pass Through.

Ladies Changeover Right Hands.

8 bars


House in Place.

8 bars


Ladies Chain Right Hands
Ladies hold right hands and dance across.

Ladies Turn Left Hands
Then with gents and ladies holding left hands ladies turn clockwise.
Gent then moves across in front of the lady to new position.

Ladies Chain Right Hands
Ladies again hold right hands and dance across.

Ladies Turn Right Hands
Gent is ready with right hand to meet his own partner coming back.
Ladies turn anticlockwise at gents right hand side
and both go back to original hold.

8 bars


Lead Around.
Dance across to other side with hands hold.
Ladies turn clockwise holding both hands

Pass Through.

Ladies Changeover Right Hands.

8 bars


House in Place

8 bars
